The Poptastic League
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The Poptastic League is hosted by the lovely people at *Keenspace*, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics!

The Team

Kristi McDowell


Editor-in-chief and head writer of The Poptastic League which basically means that rather than do real work, she throws down a bunch of stupidity she likes to call story-line and tells the rest of the staff what to do and when it is due.

Dave Herrera


Dave Herrera is the artist of The Poptastic League.  He sits at his computer for several hours every two or three weeks and gets about a panel and half done.  Then, the night an issue is due to be done, he finishes the whole thing.  It's all about quality.

Lindsay Ryan


Lindsay is the Webmistress because she understands things like... THE INTERNET.  For some reason, Kristi blushes when someone says HTML and Dave faints straight away if someone doesn't turn his Mac on for him.

Jamie Heminway


Jamie is the fledgling writer of The Poptastic League and the leading authority on the exploits of the Unofficial Trio.  Mostly because Kristi is way too busy making Dave do his job to pay attention to the spaztic heroes.

Erin Desrochers


Erin also writes a few issues for The Poptastic League but Kristi usually cuts and pastes and takes the credit.