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The Unofficial Trio

Yes, there are four of them. They are training to one day be as great… or at least as obnoxious as the Poptastic League one day. Are usually upstaged by their adult counterparts but always good natured about it.



Quite possibly the most confused member of the Unofficial Trio but wouldn’t you be if you channeled pop music through your braces? As the leader of the team, she is generally more concerned with impressing her brother, Big H, and making sure he doesn’t tell her mom that she’s a super hero. Jamie plays drums for her band called, interestingly enough, The Unofficial Trio.

The Original Mouther

The Original Mouther

Like her long lost twin sister, Happy Space Monkey, she also speaks incredibly fast and can rival her in run-on sentences. However, the difference is she will actually think about what she is saying and confuse herself even more. Lindsay is the guitarist for the Unofficial Trio.

Happy Space Monkey

Happy Space Monkey!

The hyper active member of the Unofficial Trio is the poster child for Ritalin. She uses her ability to speak incredibly fast and make insanely long run-on sentences for the sole purpose of driving lowercase crazy, though it also works on bad guys, conveniently. Nicole is the talented over her head bassist of the Unofficial Trio.

President Tom

President Tom

Uses the ability to make people feel sorry for her so that she gets her way which is probably why she ended up in the Unofficial Trio in the first place. Sam is the lead floutist of the Unofficial Trio.